proxy { agent.port = 50440 tls { certChainFilePath = "testing/certs/server1.pem" // Server certificate chain file path privateKeyFilePath = "testing/certs/server1.key" // Server private key file path trustCertCollectionFilePath = "testing/certs/ca.pem" // Trust certificate collection file path } } agent { // Only trustCertCollectionFilePath is required on the client with TLS (with mutual authentication) tls { overrideAuthority = "" // Override authority (for testing only) certChainFilePath = "testing/certs/client.pem" // Client certificate chain file path privateKeyFilePath = "testing/certs/client.key" // Client private key file path trustCertCollectionFilePath = "testing/certs/ca.pem" // Trust certificate collection file path } metrics { standardExportsEnabled = true // Include standard export metrics memoryPoolsExportsEnabled = true // Include JVM memory pool metrics garbageCollectorExportsEnabled = true // Include JVM garbage collector metrics threadExportsEnabled = true // Include JVM thread metrics classLoadingExportsEnabled = true // Include JVM class loading metrics versionInfoExportsEnabled = true // Include JVM version info metrics } pathConfigs: [ { name: "App1 metrics" path: app1_metrics url: "" }, { name: "App2 metrics" path: app2_metrics url: "" }, ] }